How to Stop Craigslist Ghosting, Flagging, Scams & Much More!
Originally this site was created to explain and alert people to the huge amount of Scams on Craigslist. Since that time we have had many requests to look into other problems with Craigslist, so we have expanded what we cover. In the following pages we shall examine many of problems that people face when making posts on Craigslist, and will give you information how to deal with these problems as well. This website has become a resource of ALL THINGS CRAIGSLIST. With our ever expanding reach into every area of Craigslist you will have plenty of useful information to read here. In fact, if you find another website that gives you more detailed or useful Craigslist problem solving information let me know and I will put a link to them here. My goal is to help you the Craigslist user. I doubt you will find any other website that goes into as many Craigslist related problems as we do and gives you detailed, up to date explanations of the problems, then shows you how to deal with them. So read on and enjoy. This is not a ragging on Craigslist site, but I am honest and I do call them as I see them. In the next few pages we shall explore:
How to stop Craigslist Ghosting.
How to deal with Ghosting on Craigslist.
How to Stop Craigslist Flagging.
How to deal with flagging on Craigslist.
How to spot all types of scams on Craigslist:
Craigslist Nigerian Scam, Craigslist car scam, Craigslist Apartment scam, Craigslist Job scam, Craigslist rental scam, Craigslist mail scam, Craigslist pay pal scam, Craigslist insurance scam, Craigslist fake name scam, Craigslist ticket scam, Craigslist lottery scam, and the list goes on.
How to avoid scams on Craigslist.
How to fight back against scams on Craigslist.
How to power post on Craigslist for free.
How to deal with the Craigslist Phone Verification problems.
How to post in multiple locations on Craigslist.
How to beat Craigslist.
Since I'm sure most of you already know what Craigslist is, you may want to skip ahead and just click on the appropriate links on the right hand margin to get more information on all the topics listed above. For those of you who may not know what Craigslist is, or how best to use it, that is what this website is here to help you with.
Need help with Ghosting or Flagging, visit our Posting Tutorial Page for a more detailed explanation of how to deal with the various posting problems you may encounter.
Having trouble with the phone verification on Craigslist?
Check out the Ghosting section for details on how to deal with it, and how to create hundreds of PVA accounts for free!
Want to make EASY MONEY on Craigslist?
The posting tutorial videos have some great ideas on monetizing
Another Craigslist Jobs/Murder Scheme discovered: Read the Murder section for details.
Find this site useful? Remember to link to us and tell your
friends about this site. The only way we can stop the problems and
scams at Craigslist is if everyone knows about them.
The Latest On Craigslist
UPDATED Ghosting and Posting strategies updated for recent Craigslist changes have been added in the Craigslist Posting Tutorial Section.
As of early 2018 Craigslist has started charging a fee for posting in their most popular sections. We explain everything HERE.
Hundreds of people are scammed by Craigslist Scammers everyday. Don't let this happen to you. Read our Scam section to understand many of the scams that occur of Craigslist daily.
"Craigslist THE MOVIE".
Did you know that there have been 3 movies made about Craigslist?
"24 Hours on Craigslist" is a Documentary which follows the Craigslist staff,
Craig Newmark and the Users of Craigslist over a 24 hour period.
This is a must see movie that gives you great insight into the minds
of the people you are dealing with. The other movie,
"Craigslist Killer" dramatizes the
killing spree of one lunatic a few years back using Craigslist to
find victims. Now
a New Movie added "Craigslist Joe",
a DocuDrama about a guy roaming the US using Craigslist to meet
random people. Watch his experiences and the interesting people he meets through Craigslist.
Watch Movies Here Now
Craigslist Customer Service is HORRIBLE is the consensus from an independent customer service ratings site. If you thought you were the only one frustrated with the lack of service at Craigslist, you are not alone. This independent site rates customer service at Craigslist at an incredible 98.50% BAD. The comments reflect what I hear all the time. Read the Review and add your Comments Here.
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You can reach us, follow us and stay up to date with the latest
at or you can follow and like our fan page
If you prefer for the latest.

This website is in no way associated with Craigslist. All of the information provided on this website is for Educational purposes only and should not be used in any way for Spamming, Flagging, Violating Craigslist TOS or any Illegal activity.