They Stole Everything!
Tacoma Washington - A post on Craigslist invited people to take anything they wanted for FREE! So what happens when you make such a broad statement? People will take you literally.
A series of adverts posted on Craigslist led bargain hunters to a rental house on 1200 block of East 64th Avenue, and invited them to take what they wanted, so they did. They took doors, windows, screens, light fixtures, light bulbs, door knobs, toilets, and the proverbial kitchen sink. The owner of the house a miss Laurie Raye said she evicted some tenants earlier an placed some old junky furniture on the front yard to be taken away free. She did not expect people to take whatever they wanted from the rest of the house.
Neighbors had heard cars arriving and leaving with stuff at all hours but thought nothing of it. Only later did they find out what had taken place. The connection to Craigslist would never have been made if it wasn't for an off duty police officer scanning the site for automotive parts who came across the ad.
Shortly after that, the same officer heard a burglary call for the same address and made the connection. The police stated that scams are common on Craigslist, but this was the first time they had seen it taken to this level. "We do get a number of cases of prostitution, underage runaways, rental scams and other types of fraud activity that show up on there," Officer Ellis said.
Raye says she immediately contacted Craigslist to get information about who was responsible for posting the ad, and was told by Craigslist staff that "She would need to get a court order before they would release that information"
Just goes to show the amount of scams and vindictive people that roam the pages of Craigslist. It also goes to show the amount of cooperation you will receive from the Craigslist staff when you get victimized.